Opt In
By entering this event I understand that I opt into the following:
- I agree that the data provided on this entry form will be held by HERO-ERA &/or HERO-ERA Club, both trading names & styles of HERO Events Ltd, in order to carry out their duties to provide Club Membership and fulfil my entry on this event.
- I understand that the data provided will be processed by HERO-ERA &/or HERO-ERA Club and stored electronically and where necessary in paper format.
- I understand and agree that Selected Data will be Transferred to Third Party Event Partners, such as Hotel Venues, border controls, etc., but my Data will not be used for marketing purposes by, or sold to/by third parties.
- I accept that all paper data will be shredded and destroyed no later than three months after the finish of the event but, electronic Data will continue to be held whilst I am a member.
- By participating in this event, all competitors and crew members automatically grant at no cost to the Organizing Authority and the sponsors, the unrestricted right and permission in perpetuity, to make, use and show, at their own discretion, any pictures and / or motion pictures and live, taped or filmed television and other reproduction of him/her (television, press and internet) during the period of the event and after. Competitors and crew members’ name, voice, image, likeness and biographical material may also be used or reproduced in any way known.
- By entering into this event, and agreeing to these Terms & Conditions, all competitors and crew members agree that information, although limited to: name, country and car details, will be published through, but not limited to, electronic means, such as web sites, Social Media, etc., and press outlets; newspaper reports, event reports & results in the form of Entry List and written reports