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STAY HOME - Real Time Rally 2021

When: 06 Mar 2021 - 06 Mar 2021
Location: Anywhere

HERO-ERA presents A Table Top Rally held in real time, as close to the action as we can get during Lockdown. Call the Controls shown on your timecard on your minute and receive the next regularity plotting instructions. With a set amount of plotting time per regularity this will mimic events such as Rally of the Tests albeit from the comfort of your living room not squeezed into an MGB bouncing along an A road. Look out for Secret Checks and don’t go OTL to creep up the leader board.

Every entrant will be issued a Car number. “Cars” can be two members of your household or you can go it alone, it is up to you. Start times will be posted on the Online Notice Board the day before the event. Work out your due times at all controls using the standard time stated on the timecard, early or late check in’s will be penalised just like on any HERO-ERA Rally, and you must check into all the controls before the “Closing Car” shuts the control.

Route questions and secret checks will determine whether you have plotted the correct route and find our champion. If you have any issues or problems “en route” call the CLO’s who will be on standby to point you in the right direction.

Limited to just 60 Cars entries will fill up fast. A great next step if you tried any of HERO’s Lockdown Table Tops or for regular competitors, a spot of competition to help fill the void until we can get out there again.

In order to participate in this event you will need to have an account. If you are already registered, please login.

STAY HOME - Real Time Rally 2021